Monday, May 08, 2006

Jo Kata #2

Nothing like Mambo #5. T's really getting into the jo and bokken so she really likes Monday's classes. Her new yellow shoes beat L's boots for most arresting footgear of the night.

This evening, A.O. sensei started us off by warming up with jo kata #1. He suggested improvements and refinements to our stances based on what the kata was meant to be: quick, fluid and more true to the underlying combat skills. We started learning kata #2 in short segments partnered with someone doing the attacks and defenses that give the movements of the kata specific meaning. We got into the flow and worked so long we had to move off the grass to work under the lights.

My sore shoulder wasn't giving me nearly as much difficulty as I thought it would (*whew*). It got tired faster but didn't really hurt. T's captivating new shoes ended up hurting her feet - we really move around a lot with the jo katas - so, next time, I think she'll be wearing socks.

T.M. told us that K and S's baby was born Saturday morning (May 6) and that everyone was doing well.

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